The Orangeblowfish is an award-winning independent creative agency with its headquarters based in Shanghai. Our vision is to create experiences that connect and enrich people’s lives. Our mission is to unleash the power of creativity by leveraging art, storytelling, space and technology to help our clients’ brands, employees and communities reach their full potential. Our belief is that creativity has no boundaries. We partner with local brands and Fortune 500 companies across the globe to produce uniquely crafted creative branding strategies, customized brand installations, brand experiences, digital marketing campaigns and more. For more information, visit
The Orangeblowfish是一个屡获殊荣的独立创意公司,总部坐落于中国上海,我们创造丰富人们生活的品牌体验,帮助品牌和用户建立亲密关系。我们的使命是以故事叙述、艺术、空间和科技的方式激发创意,帮助我们的客户、雇员以及社群全面实现内在潜能。我们的信仰是创意无边界。我们与世界五百强和初创企业合作,提供独一无二的创意品牌策略,定制品牌装置、品牌体验、数字营销等服务。
FLATMIND Productions is a Shanghai-based full-service video production company. We help our clients tell unique stories through creative and high-end videos to be used to increase their brand awareness and as communication and promotional tools.
STUDIO 9 provides design inspiration to people seeking high-quality interior design and furniture for their property or business.
STUDIO 9 brings together four of Nine United Group’s Danish design brands: HAY, &Tradition, Verpan, and Frandsen. STUDIO 9 uses the space as a means of actively exploring various brands and products, communicating and sharing with the creative community, and working with like-minded partners.
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